Tuesday, May 21, 2013

For Mother's Day we went over to spend some time with Katie and her family. The weather was beautiful! Here all the kids hangin' out on the blanket. Can you find the two baby bunnies. Our cat normally doesn't appreciate children (especially ones that grab her fur and yank her to the ground.) Here she is snuggling with Sammy. I was able to go to Mya's dance recital on Saturday. She is becoming such a wonderful little dancer. I'm a very proud aunt :o) Take a look at the picture I took during her performance. It doesn't take an expert to see that she clearly has the best technique of the bunch....pointed toes and all! While I was at Mya's recital Devan stayed home with Ethan, Lily, Afton & Ellie. Here are some cute girls with some cute bunnies.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Jo Jo - Soooo sad!

                                          2 days before the broken arm. Utah Lake was really
cold, but the kids had a lot of fun!!
                                                              Even Dayne got in a little bit.               
                                                  Kind of gross! Bent the wrong way.
                                                           Jo Jo is doing great today. He
                                                          has a cast from the shoulder down,
                                                         but in 3 weeks another cast from
                                                         just his elbow down.